Server Rules
Keep our community safe and fun for everyone
Behavior & Conduct
- No hate speech, discrimination, or harassment Punishment: Permanent ban
- No spamming or advertising Punishment: 7-day mute
Gameplay Rules
- No hacked clients or unfair mods Punishment: Permanent ban
- No exploiting glitches Punishment: 30-day ban
Chat & Communication
- No inappropriate usernames/skins Punishment: Name reset + 7-day ban
- No impersonation of staff/players Punishment: 30-day ban
- English only in public chats Punishment: 1-day mute
Economy & Trading
- No real-money trades (RMT) Punishment: Permanent ban
- No scamming/unequal trades Punishment: 14-day ban + item rollback
- No item duplication Punishment: Permanent ban
Technical Rules
- No excessive redstone contraptions Punishment: Machine removal + warning
- No lag machines Punishment: Permanent ban
- No alternate accounts (alts) Punishment: All accounts banned
All rules apply to both in-game and Discord interactions. Punishments escalate for repeat offenders.